Saturday, April 15, 2023

Haunted Old Joliet Prison - Spirit Communications Session, March 11, 2023

March 11th, 2023 Chicago Psychic Medium Edward Shanahan and Spirit Feeler Michelle spent four hours at the Haunted Old Joliet Prison and the video clip below was done in what was the Dining Hall of the prison and the results were very good as can be heard in the video.


Monday, March 27, 2023

Spirits Among Us: Why Our Loved Ones Return After Death


Spirits Among Us: Why Our Loved Ones Return After Death

By Edward Shanahan, Death is a universal human experience, yet it is one we know very little about. What happens to our loved ones after they die? Do they linger around us, or move on to some other plane of existence? In recent years, there have been many reports of people who have had encounters with spirits of their loved ones who have died. These encounters can range from seeing them in a dream to actually meeting them in person. So why do our loved ones return after death? There are many theories, but the most likely explanation is that they are trying to communicate with us. They may want to tell us they are okay, or they may have unfinished business. Either way, it is a comfort to know that our loved ones are still with us, even if we can't see them.

1. It's not uncommon for people to see or feel the presence of spirits 2. Our loved ones often return to us after death 3. There are many reasons why they may choose to do so 4. Some of the most common reasons include: - To let us know they are okay - To apologize for any hurt they may have caused while alive - To tell us they love us - To help us through a difficult time 5. While it can be scary to encounter a spirit, there is usually no cause for alarm 6. If you do encounter a spirit, there are a few things you can do to ensure a positive experience: - Remain calm - Listen to what the spirit has to say - Ask them to move on if you feel uncomfortable 7. If you're not sure whether or not you've encountered a spirit, consider consulting with a medium

1. It's not uncommon for people to see or feel the presence of spirits

It's not uncommon for people to see or feel the presence of spirits. In fact, many people believe that our loved ones return after death to watch over us. There are many stories and accounts of people who have had encounters with spirits. Whether it's a loved one who has passed away or a stranger, these encounters can be both frightening and reassuring. There are many reasons why people believe that spirits return after death. One reason is that we want to believe that our loved ones are still with us in some way. After someone we love dies, it can be very difficult to let go. So, it's comforting to think that they are still with us in spirit form. Another reason is that people often report having strange experiences that they can't explain. They might see a figure in the corner of their eye or feel a sudden chill in the room. These experiences can't be explained away and they often leave people feeling unsettled. Believing in spirits can also help us to make sense of the world around us. Sometimes, when something bad happens, it's comforting to think that there is a reason for it and that our loved ones are looking out for us from the other side. Whether you believe in spirits or not, there's no denying that they are a part of our culture and our history. For many people, belief in spirits is a way to connect with the past and with loved ones who have passed away.

2. Our loved ones often return to us after death

Our loved ones often return to us after death, whether it’s in the form of a dream, a visitation, or a sign. Why do they do this? Some believe that it’s because they have unfinished business. Others believe that they’re just checking in on us to make sure we’re doing okay. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that our loved ones are still with us even after they’ve passed away. One of the most common ways our loved ones return to us is through dreams. Dreaming about a loved one who has died can be a comforting experience. It can give us a sense of closure and peace. Sometimes, the dreams are so realistic that we can’t tell if we’re awake or asleep. Visitations from our loved ones are another way they return to us after death. These can be physical or auditory experiences. We might see them in our mind’s eye, or we might actually see them with our physical eyes. We might hear their voice, or we might feel their presence. These experiences can be very powerful and healing. Signs from our loved ones are another way they let us know they’re still with us. These can be things like finding a penny on the ground, seeing their favorite song on the radio, or seeing their name written in the clouds. These signs can be so small that we might not even notice them, or they can be so big that we can’t ignore them. No matter how our loved ones return to us, it’s clear that they are still with us. They are still a part of our lives, even though they are no longer physically here. They return to us to reassure us, to comfort us, and to let us know that they are still with us.

3. There are many reasons why they may choose to do so

When someone we love dies, it is natural to want to feel their presence near us again. And sometimes, it seems like they do return. Whether we see them in a dream, or we suddenly remember a happy moment with them, or we even catch a glimpse of their face in a crowd, it can feel like they are trying to communicate with us from the other side. There are many reasons why our loved ones may choose to visit us after they die. It could be that they are checking in on us to make sure we are doing alright. Or, they may want to apologize for anything they did wrong while they were alive. Sometimes, they may just want to say goodbye. Whatever the reason, it is comforting to know that our loved ones are still with us in some way, even after they are gone. So if you ever feel like someone from the other side is trying to reach out to you, don't be afraid to listen. They just might have something important to say.

4. Some of the most common reasons include:

It is said that our loved ones continue to visit us even after they have died. There are many reasons why they may choose to do so. Some of the most common reasons include: wanting to let us know that they are okay, wanting to apologize for something, wanting to show us that they are still with us, wanting to comfort us, wanting to help us through a difficult time, wanting to give us a message, wanting to give us a sign, wanting to warn us about something, or wanting to give us guidance. No matter what the reason may be, it is always a comfort to know that our loved ones are still with us in some way.

- To let us know they are okay

It is not uncommon for people to report seeing or sensing the presence of loved ones who have died. Although these experiences can be difficult to explain, they often provide comfort to those who are grieving. There are many reasons why our loved ones may return after death. They may want to let us know that they are okay and reassure us that they are happy. They may also come back to say goodbye or to apologize for any hurt they may have caused in life. Whatever the reason, seeing or sensing the presence of a deceased loved one is a reminder that they are still with us in spirit. It is a comforting thought to know that they are never really gone and that we can still be connected to them through our memories and through the love that we continue to feel.

- To apologize for any hurt they may have caused while alive

It's not uncommon for people to feel that their deceased loved ones are trying to communicate with them from the other side. One of the most common reasons that people feel their loved ones are trying to reach out to them is to apologize for any hurt they may have caused while alive. It's natural to want to hold on to any relationships we have, even after death. And sometimes people can hold onto feelings of anger or hurt even after their loved one has died. So it's understandable that our loved ones would want to apologize for anything that may have caused us pain, even if it was unintentional. Sometimes people will experience what's called a "vision" of their deceased loved one. This can happen in dreams or when they're awake. And it's not always clear whether it's a message from the other side or just our own mind trying to process our grief. But if you do feel that your loved one is trying to reach out to you from the other side, it's important to remember that they're no longer bound by the limitations of this world. So don't be afraid to forgive them and move on.

- To tell us they love us

The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences we can go through in life. Death is final, and it can be difficult to accept that our loved ones are gone forever. But what if they weren't really gone? What if they were still with us, in some way? Many people believe that our loved ones return after death to tell us that they love us. They may appear to us in dreams, or we may even see them in person. Some people believe that they return to help us through difficult times, or to give us a message. Whether you believe that our loved ones return after death or not, there is comfort in knowing that they are still with us in some way. Death may be final, but love is eternal.

Although some people may be skeptical about the existence of ghosts, there is no denying that many people around the world believe in them. And, whether or not you believe in them, it is undeniable that some people have experiences that they cannot explain. Spirits Among Us: Why Our Loved Ones Return After Death explores some of the reasons why people believe that ghosts exist, and why they believe that our loved ones return after death.

Although there is no scientific proof that ghosts exist, the stories and experiences of those who believe in them are compelling. Whether or not you believe in ghosts, it is clear that they are a part of many people's lives and beliefs.